steel- Number
- #879
- Size
- large
- SR
- 9
- Egg Group
- field, mineral
- Min Level
- 5
- Gender
- 1 F : 1 M
The Copperderm Pokémon. They came over from another region long ago and worked together with humans. Their green skin is resistant to water.
- Armor Class
- 15
- Hit Points
- 80 (d12)
- Speed
- 35ft. walking
- str
- 17 (+3)
- dex
- 11 (+0)
- con
- 17 (+3)
- int
- 6 (-2)
- wis
- 12 (+1)
- cha
- 10 (+0)
- Proficiencies
- athletics
- Saving Throws
- str, con
- Vulnerabilities
- fighting, ground, fire
- Resistances
- normal, flying, rock, bug, steel, grass, psychic, ice, dragon, fairy
- Immunities
- poison
Sheer Force: When activating a move that has a chance to impose a stat change or inflict a status, this creature instead doubles its move modifier for the damage with no chance of the additional effect.
Heavy Metal: This Pokémon is especially heavy. Once per long rest, after being targeted by an attack, it may increase its AC by 2 if it would cause an attack to miss.
Evolution: 2 / 2
- Starting
- ...
- Level 6
- ...
- Level 10
- ...
- Level 14
- ...
- Level 18
- ...
- TM
- ...