Hisuian Decidueye
grass fighting- Number
- #724
- Size
- medium
- SR
- 13
- Egg Group
- flying
- Min Level
- 10
- Gender
- 1 F : 7 M
The Arrow Quill Pokémon. The air stored inside the rachises of Decidueye’s feathers insulates the Pokémon against Hisui’s extreme cold. This is firm proof that evolution can be influenced by environment.
- Armor Class
- 16
- Hit Points
- 112 (d12)
- Speed
- 40ft. walking
- 10ft. flying
- Senses
- darkvision 75ft.
- str
- 14 (+2)
- dex
- 19 (+4)
- con
- 17 (+3)
- int
- 6 (-2)
- wis
- 14 (+2)
- cha
- 10 (+0)
- Proficiencies
- acrobatics, nature
- Saving Throws
- dex, wis
- Vulnerabilities
- flying, poison, fire, psychic, ice, fairy
- Resistances
- ground, rock, water, grass, electric, dark
- Immunities
- none
Overgrow: This Pokémon doubles its STAB bonus when it has 25% or less of its maximum health.
Scrappy: This Pokémon's Normal and Fighting type moves ignore immunities granted by a Pokémon's type. If a target’s secondary type gives it vulnerability or resistance to the attack, it follows the secondary type for that effect.
Evolution: 3 / 3
- Starting
- ...
- Level 10
- ...
- Level 14
- ...
- Level 18
- ...
- TM
- ...