electric dragon- Number
- #880
- Size
- medium
- SR
- 9
- Egg Group
- undiscovered
- Min Level
- 8
- Gender
- genderless
The Fossil Pokémon. In ancient times, it was unbeatable thanks to its powerful lower body, but it went extinct anyway after it depleted all its plant-based food sources.
- Armor Class
- 15
- Hit Points
- 86 (d10)
- Speed
- 35ft. walking
- str
- 17 (+3)
- dex
- 14 (+2)
- con
- 16 (+3)
- int
- 6 (-2)
- wis
- 12 (+1)
- cha
- 10 (+0)
- Proficiencies
- athletics
- Saving Throws
- str
- Vulnerabilities
- ground, ice, dragon, fairy
- Resistances
- flying, steel, fire, water, grass, electric
- Immunities
- none
Volt Absorb: This Pokémon takes no damage from electricity or electric-type attacks. Instead, half of any electric damage done is absorbed, restoring the Pokémon's HP.
Hustle: When you score a critical hit, you may immediately gain an additional action on your turn. If this action is used to make an attack, you have disadvantage on the roll. You may only ever have one additional action per round.
Sand Rush: This Pokémon is immune to Sandstorm damage, and its speed is doubled in desert terrain, or during a Sandstorm.
- Starting
- ...
- Level 10
- ...
- Level 14
- ...
- Level 18
- ...
- TM
- ...