dark fairy- Number
- #861
- Size
- medium
- SR
- 10
- Egg Group
- fairy, human-like
- Min Level
- 10
- Gender
- 0 F : 1 M
The Bulk Up Pokémon. With the hair wrapped around its body helping to enhance its muscles, this Pokémon can overwhelm even Machamp.
- Armor Class
- 15
- Hit Points
- 102 (d12)
- Speed
- 30ft. walking
- Senses
- darkvision 30ft.
- str
- 17 (+3)
- dex
- 14 (+2)
- con
- 15 (+2)
- int
- 6 (-2)
- wis
- 13 (+1)
- cha
- 15 (+2)
- Proficiencies
- sleight of hand, deception
- Saving Throws
- dex, cha
- Vulnerabilities
- poison, steel, fairy
- Resistances
- ghost, dark
- Immunities
- psychic, dragon
Prankster: Once per short rest, this Pokémon can move to the top of initiative order in a single round, but must use a status-affecting move on its turn.
Frisk: Upon entering a battle, a single opponent’s held item is revealed, if it has one.
Pickpocket: When hit by a melee attack, this Pokémon may use a reaction to attempt to steal the creature's held item with a Sleight of Hand check contested by the target's Passive Perception. After the first attempt, all other attempts against the same opponent are rolled at disadvantage.
Evolution: 3 / 3
- Starting
- ...
- Level 14
- ...
- Level 18
- ...
- TM
- ...