psychic fairy- Number
- #858
- Size
- medium
- SR
- 10
- Egg Group
- fairy
- Min Level
- 10
- Gender
- 1 F : 0 M
The Silent Pokémon. It emits psychic power strong enough to cause headaches as a deterrent to the approach of others.
- Armor Class
- 17
- Hit Points
- 82 (d8)
- Speed
- 25ft. walking
- str
- 11 (+0)
- dex
- 13 (+1)
- con
- 14 (+2)
- int
- 12 (+1)
- wis
- 16 (+3)
- cha
- 16 (+3)
- Proficiencies
- insight, persuasion
- Saving Throws
- wis, cha
- Vulnerabilities
- poison, ghost, steel
- Resistances
- fighting, psychic
- Immunities
- dragon
Healer: As an action, this Pokemon may touch a creature to heal poison, burn, or paralysis. When it uses this ability, roll a d4. On the a result of 1 or 2, the status effect is moved to itself.
Anticipation: When this Pokémon enters the battle, an opponent must reveal if it has a move that the Pokémon is vulnerable to. The move itself does not have to be revealed, only that there is such a move.
Magic Bounce: Once per long rest, when succumbing to a negative status effect, this Pokémon can instead reflect the effect back on the attacker.
Evolution: 3 / 3
- Starting
- ...
- Level 14
- ...
- Level 18
- ...
- TM
- ...