dark fairy- Number
- #860
- Size
- small
- SR
- 2
- Egg Group
- fairy, human-like
- Min Level
- 5
- Gender
- 0 F : 1 M
The Devious Pokémon. When it gets down on all fours as if to beg for forgiveness, it’s trying to lure opponents in so that it can stab them with its spear-like hair.
- Armor Class
- 13
- Hit Points
- 42 (d8)
- Speed
- 30ft. walking
- Senses
- darkvision 30ft.
- str
- 12 (+1)
- dex
- 15 (+2)
- con
- 13 (+1)
- int
- 6 (-2)
- wis
- 12 (+1)
- cha
- 13 (+1)
- Proficiencies
- sleight of hand, deception
- Saving Throws
- dex
- Vulnerabilities
- poison, steel, fairy
- Resistances
- ghost, dark
- Immunities
- psychic, dragon
Prankster: Once per short rest, this Pokémon can move to the top of initiative order in a single round, but must use a status-affecting move on its turn.
Frisk: Upon entering a battle, a single opponent’s held item is revealed, if it has one.
Pickpocket: When hit by a melee attack, this Pokémon may use a reaction to attempt to steal the creature's held item with a Sleight of Hand check contested by the target's Passive Perception. After the first attempt, all other attempts against the same opponent are rolled at disadvantage.
Evolution: 2 / 3
- Starting
- ...
- Level 6
- ...
- Level 10
- ...
- Level 14
- ...
- Level 18
- ...
- TM
- ...