ground normal- Number
- #901
- Size
- large
- SR
- 14
- Egg Group
- field
- Min Level
- 10
- Gender
- 1 F : 1 M
The Peat Pokémon. I believe it was Hisui's swampy terrain that gave Ursaluna its burly physique and newfound capacity to manipulate peat at will.
- Armor Class
- 16
- Hit Points
- 145 (d12)
- Speed
- 30ft. walking
- 25ft. climbing
- str
- 20 (+5)
- dex
- 13 (+1)
- con
- 19 (+4)
- int
- 6 (-2)
- wis
- 14 (+2)
- cha
- 11 (+0)
- Proficiencies
- athletics, perception
- Saving Throws
- str, con
- Vulnerabilities
- fighting, water, grass, ice
- Resistances
- poison, rock
- Immunities
- ghost, electric
Guts: When this Pokémon is burned or poisoned, they are not affected by the disadvantage or reduced damage effects. They still take damage at the end of each of their turns.
Bulletproof: This Pokémon is immune to damage from moves with Bullet, Ball, or Bomb in their name.
Unnerve: Opponents in combat with this Pokémon cannot eat held berries.
Evolution: 3 / 3
- Starting
- ...
- Level 14
- ...
- Level 18
- ...
- TM
- ...