dark grass- Number
- #893
- Size
- medium
- SR
- 15
- Egg Group
- undiscovered
- Min Level
- 15
- Gender
- genderless
The Rogue Monkey Pokémon. Within dense forests, this Pokémon lives in a pack with others of its kind. It’s incredibly aggressive, and the other Pokémon of the forest fear it.
- Armor Class
- 17
- Hit Points
- 187 (d12)
- Speed
- 40ft. walking
- 40ft. climbing
- Senses
- darkvision 60ft.
- str
- 18 (+4)
- dex
- 19 (+4)
- con
- 17 (+3)
- int
- 8 (-1)
- wis
- 13 (+1)
- cha
- 10 (+0)
- Proficiencies
- acrobatics, intimidation
- Saving Throws
- dex, wis
- Vulnerabilities
- fighting, flying, poison, bug, fire, ice, fairy
- Resistances
- ground, ghost, water, grass, electric, dark
- Immunities
- psychic
Leaf Guard: This Pokémon does not suffer from any negative status ailments in harsh sunlight.
- Starting
- ...
- Level 18
- ...
- TM
- ...